
Thursday, January 22, 2009

I found my car in the parking lot using Echolocation!

Today I found my car in the parking lot using echolocation!

I was coming out of the gym this evening, and there was about 60 feet to walk to my car. I took a look around at the pattern of cars so I knew how many there were between me and my car, and I knew what to look for. I also had a straight shot between myself and the car, but I closed my eyes and committed to finding it. I began to click using the "blade pop" (see Description) I turned my head from side to side, because I'm finding that the blade pop is not very good at revealing objects to the sides of the head - the "giddyup" is much better at this. I made out the several cars before mine and I knew there was an empty spot before my car. I located the empty spot and anticipated my car. I heard it right when I expected it, passed to the driver's side and stopped when I found the space between the driver's side of the car and the large snow bank. I opened my eyes, and voila!

Maybe next time I'll try going for the door handle...


Anonymous said...

That's cool. I wish I could do that...

Unknown said...

You can with practice! Have you tried any of the exercises that I've posted? If not you should check out Lesson #1.

It teaches you about simple exercises you can do to get your ears listening for the right sounds and gets your brain to recognize them as something more than it has previously recognized them as.

Remember that echolocation is a skill that can be learned!

Unknown said...

In Japanese they say, "Ganbatte!" which translates to "Good Luck", but literally means "Try hard!"

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