
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Broadening Awareness to Look at the Big Picture While Echolocating

In developing my senses, and approaching it like the engineer that I am, sometimes I think I get caught up in trying to analyze the sound and acoustics too much during echolocation.  I listen for objects that I know are there and try to calibrate all the intricacies of a particular sound to that particular object.  When navigating I generally try to "find" things or "search" for objects and references.  I do this one object at a time and diligently focus on the sound in order to quantify and define what I'm hearing.

I do this because I tend to think methodically and follow a somewhat scientific process when learning new things.  I also need to be able to put down in words what I am learning so that you can all clearly understand it as well as learn from it.

Recently, I've discovered that perhaps a "bigger picture" approach may be more beneficial.  Instead of focusing so intently on each object and trying to listen for details, pick a good simple click sound that you are comfortable with (recently I've been most comfortable with the "here kitty" or a simple "ssshhh" or white noise) and just be aware of your surroundings.  Listen to the sound, but not so intently as to analyze every click.  Just be aware.  Be aware with not only your hearing but your face and head.  Be aware with your sense of smell, sense of sight (even if you don't have it, try to picture your environment) and your sense of touch (not by reaching out, but by feeling the pressure of things around you).

Long ago, accomplished echolocators referred to this skill as facial hearing and it was interpreted as a type of "pressure" on the face.  I don't think they were actually feeling pressure via nerves, but rather interpreting sounds via echolocation through a facial "awareness".  Try to broaden your perception and forget about targeting specific objects or identifying exact surfaces.  By doing this it may give us a better perspective on the large scope of the "image".  Try it out and let me know what you find!  Enjoy!

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