
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Spreading the Word of Echolocation to the Masses

Each day when I wake up, I tell myself that I will be a better person than I was the day before - I will improve everything that I do.  And to me, being a better person includes helping others, teaching others something new that can change their life.

That is the goal for my new book Beginner's Guide the Echolocation.  If I can help one person to live a better, more fulfilling life I will have done my job.

Echolocation has long been unnoticed and under-utilized, largely because it is misunderstood.  I think the largest hurdle in echolocation right now is simply spreading the word.  There's no doubt to those who use and understand it, that it works.  It works amazingly well and there is nothing else like it.

Having spent time learning the skill, I know it's not hard to learn.  Anyone can do it, and you probably do it more than you think.  There are so many people out there who would probably love to learn but they're embarrassed to!  The skill is not socially acceptable and that is one of the main reasons people don't want to learn.  So we can approach this problem from two angles:

  1. Tell people to suck it up and do it anyway, all the while feeling like fools and potentially being outcast and sneered at.
  2. Or increase awareness of echolocation worldwide which will give people less reason to sneer and snicker.
Of course option one is faster.  I still believe in option one and at this point in time, if you want to learn echolocation that may be what you have to do.

Option 2 on the other hand is the more complete, more sustainable way of approaching this problem.  If we expose echolocation for what it is, get it in the media, get it in books and in people's minds -- if we make it part of their vocabulary, and a household word, people will be far less likely to sneer.  They will at least be able to say "Oh that dude is echolocating, weird...".  And people might respond that way for some time, and after a decade or so, people will start to say "Hey I've seen a lot of people doing that, must be working..."  And of course after another decade, a skeptic of today might start to say "That's really incredible how you can do that.  Can I learn?"

Given the practicality of the skill, (especially for the blind, but even for the sighted) it is inevitable that it will catch on.  I know that.  I want to be a contributor and help it catch on, and that's why I've written the book, to expose it and get people thinking "Hey, I can see how this might be useful for a lot of people."

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