
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sensory overlap in humans

A recent email from a reader got me thinking about sensory overlap.  We have these five wonderful senses that we generally think are each doing their own thing to provide us with information.  But a lot of them can be considered to "overlap" in their functionality.  Of course the first case is echolocation.  We can perceive the things around us with our eyes, but we can also perceive things around us with our ears, as we are all learning.  Here are a few things that we perceive with more than one sense.  Feel free to list others you can think of in the comments.

Perceive objects around us:
Touch (only arms length away)

Perceive texture:
Hearing (not as detailed)
Sight (sometimes deceiving due to color)

Perceive sounds:
Touch (vibrations and impulses only)

Perceive flavor:

This is just a short list, I'm sure there are more.  What do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Smell.a dog for ex. Could blindedly find their way at birth. So it could help with seeing. Yes you know who i am.

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